I (Sharayah) have known Zach and his family for 10+ years. We not only live down the street from them, and have for many years, but have remained close as family friends for all of this time. The Ricciardi’s are so special to us, we have been there for major life events in their lives…and they have been there for ours. So when Michelle asked us to take Zach’s senior photos, it was not only an honor, but it just felt right. It has been such a pleasure watching Zach grow up, and we are so excited to see how he continues to grow and mature!
Zach is hilarious. He is smart, funny, and so easy to get along with. His laugh is contagious, and his zeal for life is exhilarating. He wants to be a pilot and already has his pilot’s license! He works at the Atlanta Regional Airport at Falcon Field, so after we snagged some more traditional senior photos in downtown Sharpsburg, we headed to the airport.
We had a blast taking photos of some pretty cool planes at the airport, but I especially loved taking photos of Zach with his own plane. Halfway through our time, we took a break in the beautiful lobby of the airport to wait for the sun to turn golden. We ended with some super rad sunset photos with one of Zach’s favorite planes, and love how they turned out!
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! We love you, and are so glad that we get to walk through this season of your life with you. Hugs!