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Amelia + Sam | Engaged


It was an overcast day, and the weatherman was calling for rain. But we didn’t let it stop us! We decided to meet Amelia and Sam at Marietta Square as planned; and wouldn’t you know it? The rain droplets that were sprinkling down on us literally ceased as we hugged and shook hands with each other at the fountain. The clouds remained but they only provided us with pretty even lighting, that really brought out the classy pops of color that Amelia strategically dressed them in.

Amelia and Sam are two of the sweetest and tender hearted people we have had the pleasure of working with. From the moment we met them at the Starbucks in Marietta Square, we knew that we would be a perfect match for each other, and four months later we met at the same spot for their engagement session! We love Sam’s sense of humor and how he can bring out the most adorable smile and laugh in Amelia at almost a moment’s notice. They came with lots of ideas to make their engagement session their own and we loved that! After walking around Marietta Square, we drove over to Kennesaw Mountain to meet up with their precious dog, Leia.

We are so excited for Amelia and Sam to tie the knot this coming October. Their fall wedding at Indian Springs State Park is going to be so special and we can’t wait!

We hope you enjoy a few of our favorites from our time with Amelia and Sam 🙂


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